Author Archives: koakid

Aplicaciones de firma electrónica: ¿El riesgo vale la pena?

Naturalmente, todos preferiríamos firmar documentos electrónicamente. Sin embargo, la conveniencia puede no valer la pena si las firmas electrónicas no se pueden hacer cumplir.

Capital Gains for QOZF

Real Estate: Florida Moratorium on Foreclosures & Evictions

The Governor’s latest Executive Order 20-180, extending the Florida moratorium on foreclosures and evictions, contains some carve-outs borrowers, tenants, lenders and landlords alike need to know about.

PUA Unemployment Benefits

Business Guide to Coronavirus Stimulus Package: Unemployment Benefits

The Families First paid leave obligations are in effect, so it is time for business owners to make some tough decisions. Understanding the unemployment benefits available under the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program is an important part of the analysis.


Business Guide to Coronavirus Stimulus Package: Paid Leave

Employers want to do what they can for staff, including paying them when they have to be out for no fault of their own. But, how is the company supposed to do that when business is basically shut down? This article focuses on the Employer’s obligations under the Emergency Paid Family & Med Leave Expansion Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act to provide paid leave to employees affected by the Coronavirus crisis.

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Guía comercial para la ayuda federal del coronavirus: Préstamos Comerciales

Los dueños de negocios y ejecutivos necesitan una explicación clara y concisa de cómo el paquete de estímulo Coronavirus afecta a la compañía. Existen varias leyes superpuestas que se aplican y surgen nuevos desarrollos a diario, pero esta guía debería ser suficiente para comenzar a elaborar estrategias.

Business Guide to Coronavirus Stimulus Package: Tax Breaks

This article is meant to help you understand the tax breaks under the CARES Act intended to help your business or non-profit survive the Coronavirus crisis.

Labor Law: Overtime Pay (FL)

As long as an non-exempt employee does not work more than 40 hours in a week, the employer is not required to pay overtime even if (i) the employee works more than eight (8) hours in one day, or (ii) the employee works on a holiday, a Saturday, or a Sunday.

Premium Processing – Business Visas

Premium processing is a expedited service offered by the USCIS for certain visa types.  There is an extra charge, which adjusts from time to time (currently $1,440).  The advantage of premium processing is that you will get a response to the application within 15 days. 

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ROAD MAP: Spousal Petition

Here is an overview of the spousal petition process that we provide our clients. Hopefully, you will find the step-by-step explanation helpful, and maybe even become a client yourself. : ) Document Preparation The first step is collecting documents and information from you, so we can prepare the various forms involved.  In a typical spousal petition, the following forms will READ FULL POST


The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the process, which is referred to as “tax controversy,” so you will have an idea of what to expect and can make wise, cost-effective decisions about how to proceed.